Learning Services » English Language Learners

English Language Learners

Who is an English Language Learner (ELL)?

An ELL, or English Language Learner, is a student who:

-is aged 3 through 21, whose home or native language is other than English, and whose current limitations in the ability to understand, speak, read, or write English impact their effective participation in their school education programs. ELs may be born in another country or born in the United States living in homes where another language besides (or in addition to) English is spoken. A screener assessment is used to determine eligibility for ESOL services. 

Contact Info
Dana Barrientos - Freeman/Nelson 554-2265 [email protected]
Sarah Gould - Prairie 554-2350 [email protected]
Teresa Miller - HWMS/CHS 554-2360 [email protected]
Gabrielle Sokol - Oatville 554-3290
Christine Diemer - Ruth Clark/Rex  554-2333