Board of Education » Board of Education

Board of Education


Monday, April 14, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting is open to the public. Action may be taken.
The meetings will be live-streamed to the public on YouTube.



- Watch Live via Haysville Public Schools YouTube Channel -

Jeremy Bennett

1441 E Berlin
Haysville, KS 67060
email: [email protected]
Term expires: 12/31/2025

Jennifer Bain

233 N. Timberlane Dr.
Haysville, KS 67060
email: [email protected]
Term expires: 12/31/2027

Greg Fenster

3515 W. 79th St. So.
Haysville, KS 67060
email: [email protected]
Term expires: 12/31/2027

Barbara Walters

728 Chatta Street
Haysville, KS 67060
email: [email protected]
Term expires: 12/31/2027

Tosha White

1216 W 4th St
Haysville, KS 67060
email: [email protected]
Term expires: 12/31/2027

Kelly Ramseyer

1201 Riley Ave.
Haysville, KS 67060
email: [email protected]
Term expires: 12/31/2025

Courtney Williams

3213 Bluelake Ct
Wichita, KS 67215
email: [email protected]
Term expires: 12/31/2025


Board of Education Meetings

USD #261 BOE meetings are scheduled for the third Monday of each month. All meetings, and subsequent changes to meeting dates are posted to the USD #261 website ( The meeting agenda is published by noon on Thursday prior to the Monday BOE meeting.

How to watch: In person or on Haysville USD 261’s YouTube channel. Meetings are archived on YouTube channel.

Public Comments: Any individual who wishes to address the BOE must contact the BOE Clerk, (316-554-2200) and request to speak to the Board. This must be done no later than Tuesday prior to the regularly scheduled Monday meeting. Individuals who follow this process will be granted 5-minutes to address the BOE during the meeting.

The BOE reserves the right to hear from individuals who do not sign up in advance; however, individuals addressing the BOE in this instance are limited to 2-minutes. If several District patrons or personnel wish to address the board about a similar topic, the BOE may ask the individuals to appoint one person to speak on the group's behalf.

All BOE meeting dates, agendas, and minutes from past meetings can be found under "Meeting Archives".

Individuals may request to receive notification of BOE meetings by submitting a written request to the Board of Education Clerk ([email protected]). This process must be done on an annual basis.

Contact Debbie Coleman, Clerk of the Board, at 554-2200 to address the Board.

BOE Meeting Paperless Documents

The Board of Education holds one regular board meeting per month, scheduled for the third Monday of the month unless otherwise noted*.

*The following meeting dates are exceptions to the third Monday of the month schedule.

  • 09/09/2024 rather than 09/16/2024 (to immediately follow the Special BOE Meetings for RNR Hearing and Budget Hearing)
  • 12/09/2024 rather than 12/16/2024 (Holiday Music Programs)
  • 01/27/2025 rather than 01/20/2025 (MLK Day)
  • 02/24/2025 rather than 02/17/2025 (Presidents' Day)
  • 03/10/2025 rather than 03/17/2025 (Spring Break)
  • 04/14/2025 rather than 04/21/2025 (No School)
  • 05/12/2025 rather than 05/19/2025 (HWMS Promotion Parade)