Business Office » Business Office

Business Office

About Our Business Office

The Haysville USD 261 business department is dedicated to the careful management of district resources which are provided through a combination of state aid, local property taxes and student fees (includes both enrollment fees and meal purchases).  The district’s strategic plan informs all discussions and decisions regarding the allocation of these limited resources. 

The Kansas State Department of Education maintains all types of financial data for all school districts in Kansas. In addition to Haysville USD 261, it is possible to make a multitude of comparisons of numerous school districts by going to their website.

Contact Us

Craig Ryan
Asst. Superintendent of
Business and Finance
Tel: 316-554-2200
Jan Williams
Employee Benefits
Tel: 316-554-2200
Jennifer Shumaker
Clerk - Lead Accounting
Tel: 316-554-2200
Christy Long
Accounts Payable & Receivable
Tel: 316-554-2200
Melinda Smith
Certified Payroll
Tel: 316-554-2200
Courtnie Louia
Classified Payroll
Tel: 316-554-2200