Learning Center » The Dr. John Burke Learning Center

The Dr. John Burke Learning Center


Register to Attend Our Workshops!

Workshop Attendees

We encourage all USD 261 staff to take advantage of the learning opportunities available at The Dr. John Burke Learning Center. Guests from other districts are always welcome to attend any of our workshops. We offer a full array of classes that are interactive, differentiated, job embedded, sustained and research based. Enroll in a workshop today!

Our Presenters!

The DJBLC has scheduled many well-known presenters and experts who are willing to share their knowledge and to lead workshops, such as Lynn Sawyer, Carol Simoneau, Kevin Honeycutt, Dan Meyer, Brad McCoy, and Dr. John Vandewalle. Along with these, The DJBLC utilizes the expertise of our district’s staff members as presenters, who have practical suggestions that are used successfully every day in their classrooms.

Explore Our Workshops

I loved every part of the presentation and wish I had something like this offered to me as a high school freshman.
I thoroughly enjoyed the training and I took just as much away from it for myself personally as I did for the kids that I work with.
Very relevant information! Students could benefit from the organizational tips, study skills, and above all the test taking tips. The presentation was simple and easy to understand.

Do you want to learn more about a specific subject?

Our Accommodations Are First Rate!

  • Two Large Meeting Rooms
  • Two Large Conference Room
  • Computer Lab
  • Kitchen Facilities
  • Dining Facilities
  • Professional Library
Are you looking for a place to host your next event?
Consider The Dr. John Burke Learning Center!


Penny Schuckman
Director of The Learning Center
Email: [email protected]
Ashleigh Taylor
Administrative Assistant
Email: [email protected]
150 Stewart, Haysville, KS 67060
Telephone: 316-554-2331
Owned & Operated by USD 261
Haysville Public Schools
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